Protect your company's data

Get security against DDoS and other cyberattacks, transport sensible information securely and comply with data-handling regulations.

Security and Encryption

Network Perimeter Security

Detect and mitigate risks, and gain visibility and control over your network traffic.

Network Encryption

Make sure that your company’s high-value confidential data won’t be compromised during transport with MACSec and IPSec solutions.

Clean Pipes

Combine advance routing, ratio limiting and advanced filtering for layers 3-7.

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Benefits of choosing Flō Networks

From 100Mbps and up to


Choose the right bandwidth for you and scale it as your company needs it. The sky is the limit.

Finally get rid of high


Get one of the lowest latencies in the market with our protection architecture.

Guaranteed availability of up to


Secure the uptime of your network by getting a service with an SLA of up to 99.95%.

Available in

60+ cities

Our state of the art digital infrastructure extends across the United States, Mexico and the Americas.

to development

For over 20 years, we've been taking companies to the next level with comprehensive connectivity solutions.
Proven experience
2,000+ satisfied companies and corporations across the americas.
Extensive infrastructure
Our fiber network operates in the US, Mexico and 13 countries in Latin America.
Always available for you
24/7 Monitoring through our Network Operations Center.

We are something to talk about

Learn about our success stories

Schedule a call

Reach out to get more information and learn how we can contribute to the development of your company.

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Conectividad diseñada para
la transformación digital

Internet dedicado nivel carrier

Accede a todo el potencial de nuestra red internacional, diseñada sobre múltiples cables submarinos internacionales y fibras terrestres para proveer una máxima resiliencia.

Reduce latencia y gana confiabilidad

Navega mejor y con menos latencia gracias a las interconexiones con los principales carriers y proveedores de contenido como Google, Meta, Netflix, Amazon, entre otros.

Conectividad segura de origen

Obtén opcionalmente la posibilidad de realizar filtrado de contenido, bloqueo de sitios inapropiados o inseguros y protección contra ataques de DDoS a través de nuestra plataforma centralizada de protección de tráfico.

Conexión dedicada y simétrica 1:1

Alcanza anchos de banda superiores a 10 Gbps en una conexión dedicada 1:1 sin compartir ancho de banda.

Flexibilidad sin precedentes

Conecta tu infraestructura de red existente, elige el tipo de entrega (óptica o eléctrica) y las opciones de última milla, que incluyen fibra óptica y conectividad por microondas para ubicaciones remotas.


El Rol de Internet Dedicado en el Crecimiento Empresarial

Entendiendo la conectividad como factor fundamental para la transformación digital

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